What an amazing world we live in; a remembering time and a waiting time, a time to enjoy the glorious season, which begins with tulip time. The white lily-flowered tulips march through the garden like an army of wingless angels, preparing us for lovely May.
Maundy Thursday brought Mathew, Mother’s number two son to stay for a week. Mother felt it was like times past, when he came home from school for the holidays. Marvellous to have a strong pair of hands to help, except that he kept noticing tasks which need attention, which couldn’t be done, except for a roofer. He said Cothay was like Miss Fabersham’s house, full of forgotten cobwebs!
On Good Friday the first swallow arrived, swooping into the kitchen at lunch time, then out again. It is always a joyous moment to see them home again.
We went for tea at Bindon Manor, Axmouth, by the sea, which dates from early medieval times, partly from the 12th century, but much altered. It sits in a bowl of the hills, in what must be the most beautiful setting in the land. A long drive, about a quarter of a mile long, winds its way through a stunning park, where sheep graze through lush green grass, to the lovely old house which sits as if grown out of the landscape. Tea was served on the terrace as if from another age, by a maid in uniform from an old silver tea pot, the cake decorated with primroses. It was as if we had stepped back into another age.
We had six foreigners for the night, they arrived on huge motorcycles and were doing a tour of the country. It reminded Mathew of the time he rode his motorcycle twenty thousand miles to China, a journey through a forgotten landscape, which took him nearly a year.
Mathew and Mother worked in the river rebuilding the small waterfall, which as usual had been demolished by the winter floods. The river, meandering its way to the sea, carrying with it all our dreams
Suddenly bursting into flower as never before, growing up the side of the west side of the house to the eves, about twenty five feet high, the early yellow Banksia rose; covered in small double flowers, and said to smell of violets, scenting the air through the garden. Banksia roses have been known in China for hundreds of years. The oldest known is growing in Tombstone Arizona, planted in 1866; it now has a circumference of 2.5 metres, covering 800 metres. Wow, what a sight it must be!
The Easter break passed in a wink, with lovely weather, bringing visitors to see the garden in the glorious April sun. I wonder how long it will last.