Memories – like light and shade, are ever present in this ancient house. The garden has its own agenda, it seems that we make haste slowly, each day a pattern of the day before.
My Mistress says the small-flowered species clematis are pearls amongst plants;each one more perfect as you make your way through the garden, they scramble and climb at will. Their flowers hang like tassels, gently moving in the summer air.
Clematis viticella, the colour a rich deep purple, with saucer-shaped flowers from July to September. It has reached about 50 feet on the north side of the house.
How lovely are all the hybrid clematis, ranging in colour from white to violet. I love them all, my Mistress says they are small and perfect, like me!
This week in the gaps, we have been planting out the annual cleome, the American spider plant.
Oh for a drop of rain to clear the sultry July air!