Dearest remarked that the turmoil and confusion of life is ever-present, adding how true is the Nun’s Prayer ‘’Give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.’’ This is hard to follow in our daily lives.
As the film team spent the week cleaning up and moving out, life is half-way back to normality, as the trailers and juggernauts roll down the narrow lanes which surround our domain, the Queen Ann’s lace brushing against their wheels as they pass on their way to yet another destination.
A garden maintenance team arrived to cut the grass in the meadows which has grown so tall, hiding even our Labrador Billy. The thing Mother misses most is the huge marquee which can seat about 200 people, where the most delicious food was served. She is back to her boring diet of bread and cheese, as she dislikes the daily grind of cooking.
To return to mundane matters, Ma bought a second-hand small garden tractor, which she is not very good at driving, going backwards when she wants to go forwards, but I suppose all will be well with a little practice.
A busy week, we had three groups; the largest was a group of thirty five, Friends of Holburne Museum from Bath. On arrival they had coffee and biscuits, followed by a house tour, after which was lunch. Ma then took them on a tour of the garden, and their day finished with delicious tea and cakes.
Sadly, Mother was unable to go to Chelsea owing to a heavy week’s work load.
At this time of year, few trees are as beautiful as the Laburnum; nothing can surpass them in effectiveness. In a glade growing by the river is a superb specimen about 30 feet tall. Seen from afar, it is like golden rain, capturing light and shade and our hearts.