Hip Hip Hooray!! At long last we have been allowed to open the garden, and sadly not the tea room. The difficulty lies in pre-paying, which we have had trouble sorting out.
This week the garden has been looking its best; these June days have been their usual joy, with every flower baring its summer smiles. We nearly missed seeing the marvel of the Tulip tree in full flower, the shy flowers hidden within the leaves and quite difficult to spot. The Philadelphus, Weigela and Cornus kousa var. Chinensis are all a mass of flowers – the philadelphus smelling of bubblegum, according to my children when they were young.
The grey squirrels have yet again managed to get into the coach house loft and are driving poor Peter mad, thumping about above his head. Ma read in the Daily Telegraph some years ago that it is every Englishman’s duty to rid the country of these tree rats which do so much damage to our wonderful trees. They ring bark trees, stripping branches, causing die-back, which eventually causes trees to die, whereas the charming indigenous red squirrel does no damage.
We’ve had the most amazing thunderstorms these last few days. Black skies with bright sunshine – Mathew took an amazing photograph of the great Oak showing the black skies with the tree lit by crepuscular rays. The storm knocked out the house lights and set the alarm off.
The soft light of summer dusk reminds us that in a few days we will start the downward journey into shorter days, and as we all grow older, we should remember that we are all immortal until God decides otherwise.!