I am told that nostalgia is a very dangerous thing, that what you had, never was. The future will never be what you think it will. But I know that just around the corner is perfection!
For these few weeks in June, the garden holds us in the palm of its hand like a Persian carpet, perfect in its imperfection.
Work in the new Italian Garden is still partly in the mind, slowly evolving.
This week Sally planted out a massive bed of the annual cosmos, sown in the early spring. They originate from Mexico and will flower until the frosts. There are many different hybrids.
Weeding, raking, deadheading and strimming take up all our waking hours.
The roses still perfect, the glorious June flowers of England.
Looking up, high above surely the flower of the week is the yellow and green flowers of the tulip tree Liriodendrom tulipifera, from North American. Flowering in June, the flowers hidden amongst the leaves, these shy flowers an amazing sight.
I am, like most of us working in the great outside, nostalgic. Why not?