As I walk around the house and garden attending to everyday tasks, I am reminded that everything is wrapped in history. G M Trevelyan, the historian, remarks “The poetry of history lies in the quasi-miraculous fact that once on this earth, on this familiar spot of ground, walked other men and women as actual as we are today.” And so life, with all its ups and downs, its sadness and its happiness, is just a shadow of what has always been and what will always be, a precious link with our past. The essence of the past lingers in the air like the scent of fading roses, a window on another world.
Ma reminded me that week by week, little changes; we are the keepers of our small world. Ma’s number two son said “The trouble with you Mother, is that you live in a bubble.” But don’t we all? At all events, despite the bright cold days, the season has begun slowly. No-one wants to spend money; we are all waiting to see which way the cat will jump until Brexit is settled.
Ma’s daughter Charlie passed by and stayed the night on her way to Wells Cathedral, where she is beginning her pilgrimage visiting cathedrals. Charlie was christened at Wells Cathedral by her Great Uncle who was the Bishop, known in the family as Glamour Gaiters, for his amazingly good looks. Then onto Salisbury, where she and Ma were born. Ma was also christened in the Cathedral by her Grandfather the Dean, who had an altercation around the font with Ma’s Mother, who wanted to name her Charity. Ma’s mother hit the Dean with her handbag when he refused to christen her Charity, saying “I hereby name this child Mary-Anne.” On to Winchester Cathedral, where Mother was married by Glamour Gaiters. Charlie is then on her last leg to Canterbury. Ma would like to have accompanied her on her pilgrimage, but never seems to venture outside of Somerset!
We have been clearing a bank, which this year we plan to grow wild flowers on, together with annuals. Ma says she can picture it in her mind; I hope she will not be disappointed.
Tim, who for years has got rid of our moths, moles, squirrels etc, spent two days in the cottage attic drilling holes in the old beams, as deathwatch beetles have been heard – yet another huge expense.
Flowering now, a beautiful Echieum, which Charlie brought Ma from the Cornish Garden Flower Show. The bees just love its bright blue flowers, which spike around three feet tall.
How lovely are these early spring days, each one more beautiful than the day before. The garden, a world on its own.