Spring is a time to remember, and a time of remembering how amazing England is, surely nowhere else on earth is more lovely. The young lime-green leaves hang like washed emerald from the trees, as we marvel at nature.
The birds’ plumage glows with heath and the swallows feed on insects as they fly through the air. This year there seem to be fewer, we are told this is because flying through Africa in winter, they are trapped in nets and sent to China to be made into Birds Nest Soup. What a disgusting habit; I will never go back to China again!
At the beginning of the week, the weather showed no mercy; after the rain, the white tulips hung their heads, their lovely petals drooped as if in pain.
Ma planted up the two fonts with her usual half-hardy plants, in each pot about thirty plants.
More progress has been made on the round pond in the olive garden. The builders have hopefully sorted out the leaks and next week they will tank it to stop any more water loss. It will add to the garden to have the fountain working again after so many years.
A group by the name of Icon came to see the wall paintings and to look around the house; some were architects and conservators. Mother thought she might learn some new and interesting thoughts into life in medieval England, but no one was forthcoming.
A rather expensive week, as poor Ma lost her wallet, then she lost her hearing aid in the woods when she tripped over a log. Worse still is that the insurance won’t pay for a new one.
Flowering are the huge flowered tree peonies, their flowers so heavy the plant can barely hold them up. The lovely peony Molly the Witch is also in full flower; its yellow petals seem to be made of light .
The garden is a miracle of lime-green, it feels as if the old house & garden are wrapped around by loving arms.