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China Girl blog

Like falling stars, the August days roll on. The garden shimmers in the late summer heat. Growth slows down, but still there is much to do. The meadows have been mown. The yew hedges are having their annual hair cut. This will take well into autumn; if all goes well the majority will be finished by the Feast of St Michael, which falls on Michaelmas Day.

The lake in the meadow is proving a problem. Dug a decade ago, it is choked with weed called water soldier, so named as it marches ever onwards.

Without a doubt the lovely small tree, Eucryphia glutinosa from Chile is the Plant of the Week, or late summer. The white flowers have masses of yellow stamen, which trembe in the breeze. It is a glorious sight, growing in the meadow and is fully hardy.

I was left behind when Dearest Mother went to the Taunton Flower Show, and was as usual tempted by plants, coming home with but a few. My favourite, the new Texensis clematiss Princess Kate. I, from an ancient line of Butterfly Lions, know that my Dearest Mother, like Autolycus, is a snapper-up of unconsidered trifles!